Meet Britt Greenland An Artist From The Pacific Northwest

About the Artist
Celebrating Life's Adventures
Britt paints scenes of adventure, and also considers the painting process itself a grand adventure.
Originally from rural Minnesota, she has called the Pacific NW home since 2001. Here, she's inspired by the Cascade Mountains, the Puget Sound, paint-worthy hikes, and not least of all- other local artists. She's less inspired by the 6-month season of gloom in the Seattle region, but takes the opportunity to travel and paint in sunnier places like California, Arizona, Italy, and soon- Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Albania (by bicycle).
She is a Signature member of Puget Sound Group of NW Artists and a longstanding member of Plein Air Washington Artists and International Impressionist Society.
Britt's Story
Born and raised in rural Minnesota, I was fortunate to have the same amazing art teacher throughout high school. This continuity gave me a solid basis of color theory, composition, values, as well as confidence to keep on creating.
When I started on my journey of becoming a professional artist, I reached out to my high school art teacher to thank her. She said that she was so careful to give each student a full curriculum because she hadn't had that background when she started college.
My first real oil painting lessons were from an accomplished oil painter I met because she let my sheep use her pasture. She didn't really want to give lessons, but I was persistent, and in the end she agreed on the condition that I paid in homemade goat cheese! After just a couple lessons in which she taught me her "tips and tricks", I started painting voraciously (and haven't really stopped).
After that, I took workshops from artists I admired such as Mitch Albala, Pam Ingalls, Mike Wise, and Jim Lamb. Taking workshops from a variety of artists is a wonderful way to learn that there is more than one "right way" to create art.
An avid plein air painter (painting from life outdoors), I'm a member and former board member of Plein Air Washington Artists. This is a fast-growing group of artists who go out and paint together in beautiful places. In 2019, I had the privilege of leading a multi-day camping/plein air expedition in Mt. Rainier National Park. In 2021, I was honored to be the designated plein air poster artist for 2021 for Railroad Days in Snoqualmie, WA, and subsequently, the professional artist on the juror panel for that year's event.
I'm a Signature Member and former board member of Puget Sound Group of NW Artists, a group that is almost 100 years old! In 2020, I was the show chair and MC for our first online juried show. In Fall of 2022, my painting, Oregon Coast ' won an Honorable Mention Award at the in-person (Karla Matzke Gallery) Annual Juried Show for this group. I'm excited to be a co-chair of this show for 2024.
In a "hey, life is short ( Covid )" move in spring of 2021, with lots of spousal encouragement, I opened Britt Greenland Gallery in North Bend, WA. Having this space to show and teach was a joy to my heart! The Gallery had a view of Mt. Si, which has its own weather pattern that is fascinating and inspiring. At the end of July 2022, the gallery moved out of that space and plans started for a building home studio with enough space to host shows and classes! It's nearly completed, and I already am enjoying painting much larger works!
When not painting or teaching painting, I love traveling, hiking, cycling, backpacking, and sailing with my husband and friends - often painting on the way. Our horrible tuxedo cat, and 2 mini bunnies also keep me busy. I've given up on keeping the house clean or the lawn in order. I will never give up on making the elusive perfect cup of coffee.
I'm never to busy to talk to artists, collectors, or the curious masses about my process or art history or art in general. ​
PS: You won't find me on FB or IG. I've been free and happy since June 2020. My only regret is not leaving sooner.
Britt in the press:
Snoqualmie Valley Record Britt Greenland Plein Air August 2021
Renton Reporter Feature Article, 2019

“It’s a response to the fullness of life that causes me to paint a wide variety of subjects, expressing my wonder about each one.”
~ Britt Greenland